Maths is a powerful tool that helps us understand the world and is essential to everyday life. We believe that all our children have the potential to succeed in maths and ensure they leave us with the mathematical knowledge and skills they need throughout all aspects of their lives .
We ensure children develop firm mathematical foundations in EYFS in a way that is engaging and appropriate for their age through both adult and child led learning opportunities. We teach number fluency using NCETM Mastering Number.
In Years 1 to 6, we build on these foundations in number and further develop fluency and knowledge in conceptual understanding through the Ark Mathematics Mastery curriculum.
Mathematics Mastery is a cumulative approach with each school year beginning with a focus on the concepts and skills that have the most connections. This concept is then applied and connected throughout the school year to consolidate learning. This spiral curriculum enables children to use prior knowledge to develop mathematical fluency and conceptual understanding. The scheme of learning meets the requirements of the National Curriculum.
The Ark Mathematics Mastery curriculum, Year 1 to Year 6, gives pupils the opportunity to ‘master maths’; by using previous learning throughout the school year, they can develop mathematical fluency and conceptual understanding.
Due to the cumulative nature of Ark Mathematics Mastery, units of work from Y1 to Y5 must be taught in the order they are planned in the long term overview. Teaching them out of sequence will result in gaps in learning forming. Y6 teachers have more autonomy regarding the order units are taught in.
Each daily Mathematics Mastery lesson has a six part lesson structure. Each part provides opportunities to focus on conceptual understanding, language and communication and mathematical thinking for the mathematical concept being covered.
Pre unit and end of unit assessments are completed by the children. Teachers use these to assess children's starting points and unit outcomes. These enable teachers to identify and close any gaps in learning, as well as to inform on going teacher assessment. Summative termly PUMA maths tests are completed to support teacher judgements.
Maths Meetings
Fluency is at the centre of the updated National Curriculum for maths. We want to ensure that children can count fluently and know key mathematical facts so that they are more efficient at tackling complex calculations and problems.
We build key knowledge of number from Reception to Year 2 with daily whole class NCTEM Mastering Number sessions to develop fluency in number facts and good number sense. This focus on fluency is underpinned by using a range of concrete apparatus and pictorial images such as Rekenrek, Base 10 and Hungarian dice model. By mastering number we remove children’s over reliance on counting as a mathematical strategy.
From Y3 to Y6 children have daily Maths Meetings to consolidate key learning outside of the maths lesson and focus on developing fluency in number facts, times tables and procedural fluency in order to reduce cognitive load when problem solving and reasoning.
Children will make at least good progress from their starting points. They will be equipped with a strong knowledge of number and the procedural fluency to problem solve and reason effectively. Their deep understanding of maths will enable them to intelligently apply their knowledge and fluency across the curriculum and into everyday life.