
Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.




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About Us



Beckfoot Nessfield SEND Information Report can be found here

Beckfoot Nessfield Accessibility Action Plan can be found here

Beckfoot Trust SEN and Disability Policy can be found here

At Beckfoot Nessfield we pride ourselves on our high level of inclusion. We welcome and value all children and provide a safe and nurturing environment where all children thrive and meet their full potential. 

We work closely with families and a wide range of outside professionals to carefully meet the needs of children with additional needs. Our SENCo, Mr French, is available to talk to parents regarding any concerns or advise you SEND Wordlemay need. He also works closely with class teachers who often discuss individual children with him who they feel may be having difficulties. Mr French works with Tonia Pugh, Lead Practitioner for SEND and Safeguarding at Beckfoot Trust, to develop inclusion at Nessfield and across the Trust schools as part of the SEND Collective Efficacy Team.

Mr French will work with families and teachers to decide the best course of action to support individual children. This may include observing in class; meeting with parents; referrals to outside agencies and so forth. Children with additional needs may be added to the SEND register in consultation with parents. Each child will have their own unique journey with a SEND or behaviour plan written by the class teacher outlining the support and provision that will be provided to specifically meet their needs. The school uses Provision Map software to do this. Plans will be shared with parents and reviewed termly following the assess, plan, do and review cycle. Mr French will monitor all plans and provision for children on the SEND register as well as decide upon the stage of SEND for the child. Any applications for an Educational Health Care Plan can be completed after two terms of the assess, plan, do, review cycle.


We are able to offer help and advice to families on a wide range of SEND and additional needs. Our SENCo and teachers have a wealth of knowledge and experience they can draw on. We are also fortunate to have two special schools in the Beckfoot Trust family who we can seek further advice from as well as Tonia Pugh, Lead Practitioner for SEND and Safeguarding for Beckfoot Trust.

We work with a myriad of outside agencies to support children and families including health professionals, specialist SEND teachers and professionals, Early Help and Social Care.

Please do not hesitate to contact school and speak to Mr French, SENCo, for advice and support on 01535 665628.


Bradford Barnardo's SENDIASS offer advice and support around various topics relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities for children and young people aged 0-25 living in the Bradford District and their families.

They offer telephone and email advice, social media, information packs, casework, drop-in sessions, workshops, training for professionals, a parent steering group, children’s focus groups and support to young people who access the service independently.