Our School Day
School opens at 8.30am with doors closing at 8.35am. If you miss the drop off time, you will need to wait at the late gate. Please press the buzzer to inform the office that you are there. It is vital you are on time for school as children need to register and be in assembly promptly for 8.45am each morning.
All children from Y1 to Y6 have a morning break allowing them to have time outdoors and be active. Children in Nursery and Reception have access to outdoor provision across the morning and afternoon.
Lunch for Phase 1 (Nursery to Reception) is between 12 and 12.45pm and for Phase 2 and 3 (Year 3 to Year 6) between 12.30 and 1.15pm. Children sit in mixed year groups for family dining and then play out in their Phases.
School finishes at 3.15pm. We have a range of after school clubs that you are able to sign your child up for. details of what is on offer is sent out to parents on Class Dojo and the My Ed App at the start of each term. Please contact the school office if you require more information.
Don't forget we also offer Willow Wraparound care from 7.30am and after school to 6.00pm. Please see the Willow Wraparound page on the school website